Key aspects of Rudolf Steiner education found in our kindergartens:
- Steiner/Waldorf philosophy with strong rhythms celebrating seasonal changes, festivals and storytelling naturally aligning with te ao māori
- An unhurried approach to early childhood, letting tamariki unfold in their own time through creative play
- Opportunity to foster the individual aspirations and creativity inherent in every child through play based/free play education
- Homely environment with beautiful established gardens that honours the rhythm of the seasons
- Simple natural resources supporting imaginative play and exploration which nurtures the curiosity of the world around the tamariki
- Nutritious meals are prepared with tamariki following tikanga māori practice
- Nurturing relationships between tamariki, whānau, kaiako and staff through community events, parent involvement, education and support
- Enrolments for tamariki from 3 years old up to and including 6 year olds
- All full day tamariki participate in rest time after lunch to support their growth and hauora
- An established transition programme to support tamariki going into Class 1 at Taikura Rudolf Steiner School
- Playgroup is available for tamariki up to 3 years and their whānau which provides a gentle introduction to Rudolf Steiner education

The first seven years are a time for tamariki to experience their childhood in a place where they can grow, feeling safe, without pressure to perform or compete. Through active, imaginative play, tamariki develop the skills required for this stage of their development, including cognitive and problem solving skills, creativity, imagination, self-expression, concentration, investigation, language, numeracy and social skills.
During the child’s early years, we work to foster the wonderful vitality and creativity inherent in every child, establishing solid roots for the future. Reverence for the surrounding helps to instil a feeling of gratitude; rhythm in daily activities develops into strong will for work; imaginative play helps to develop the creative and independent thought that will be needed for later intellectual learning. Tamariki gradually learn to work with others cooperatively, collaboratively and with initiative.
Details of our kindergartens
- We have 2 kindergartens:
- Taikura Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten (opposite the school, on Nelson Street)
- Kererū Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten (corner of Nelson & Fitzroy Streets)
- Opening hours: 8.30am – 3.00pm
- Kindergartens are open during school term times & one week in the school holidays of Term 1, Term 2 & Term 3 (dates confirmed in September for the following year)
- Both kindergartens licensed for 40 tamariki & have a mix of tamariki aged from 3 – 6 years old
- Kindergarten enrolment options are:
- 5 mornings (8.30am – 1.15pm)
- 5 full days (8.30am – 3.00pm)
- Transition places (2 or 3 mornings/days) may be available for the youngest children
- Morning tea and lunch are provided
- Families can use their child’s 20 Hours ECE at kindergarten
- Fees are charge for hours outside of the 20 ECE hours

ERO Reports
Taikura Kindergarten
Taikura Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten Report 2022
Kererū Kindergarten
Kererū Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten Report 2022
Enrolment Enquiries
For more information on the kindergarten, playgroup, waiting list and fee schedule please contact the Enrolments Registrar at